On this page we will put links and information to the Nottingham diocese list of people and organistions giving daily help and support to those who cannot leave home as well as links to any groups in our own areas carrying out similar activities.

Local Support Groups in Marple Bridge, New Mills and Chapel en le Firth.

These are groups of volunteers who can help those stuck at home with shopping etc. They usually have a forum on Facebook or similar where people can find out what is going on locally. NNB they recommend that people who are self isolating DO NOT post requests for help on the forums but use the phone or email to contact them.

Marple Bridge:  Marple Covid19 Mutual Aid Group 0161 531 2230 [email protected]

New Mills: Helping Hands click here for site or email [email protected]

Hayfield click here for Hayfield Volunteers Mobile: 07394 908160 Landline: 01663 744550

This list will be reviewed and updated as often as we receive information



List from  Nottingham Dioecese Covid Guidelines Document App. II
Nottinghamshire community support and volunteering hub https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/care/coronavirus/nottinghamshire-community-support-and-volunteering-hub
Gedling Borough Council http://www.gedling.gov.uk/givingforgedling/
Derbyshire County Council Community Response Unit https://derbyshire.gov.uk/social-health/health-and-wellbeing/health-protection/disease-control/coronavirus/community-response-unit/if-you-want-to-volunteer/if-you-want-to-volunteer.aspx
Connex Community Support (Derbyshire Dales) https://connex.org.uk/
NHS Volunteer Responders https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS
List of local groups and organisations offering help and support https://nottstv.com/coronavirus-list-of-local-groups-and-organisations-offering-help-and-support/
VCS Lincoln, VCS North Kesteven and VCS West Lindsey https://voluntarycentreservices.org.uk/community-activity-and-volunteering-information-coronavirus-response/
Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service


Lincolnshire Co-op Groups Supporting the Community https://www.lincolnshire.coop/community/groups-supporting-the-community


  • Mass Sat 18:30MB Sun 09:30NM 12:00MB
  • Tea & coffee in hall after Sun 09:30NM
  • Mass Wed (MB) Thu (NM) Fri MB) 10:00
  • Confessions before mass or on demand
  • Sea Sunday 2nd collection 13/14 July
  • full details of all events in bulletin
  • CLICK HERE 24/7 on line mass
  • CLICK HERE for a letter from the PPC.
  • CLICK HERE for Fr Emmanuel’s latest letter.