Wider World

CAFOD, a major British charity that has been fighting third world poverty since 1962, is the English and Welsh arm of Caritas Internationalis, a world wide network of Catholic relief and development organisations. With the help of our network of Regional Organisers throughout England and Wales, CAFOD works in partnership on over 1000 programmes. Click here to visit www.CAFOD.org.uk for more information.


Traidcraft was established as a Christian response to poverty in 1979, and seeks to ‘fight poverty through trade’. This is achieved by paying third world producers a fair price for their products, which are then marketed through outlets in the UK. Our parish has Traidcraft sales after all masses at Marple Bridge on the first weekend of the month.Click here to visit www.traidcraft.co.uk for more information.
The Fairtrade Foundation exists to ensure a better deal for marginalised and disadvantaged third world producers. Set up by CAFOD, Christian Aid, New Consumer, Oxfam, Traidcraft Exchange and the World Development Movement, the Foundation awards a consumer label, the FAIRTRADE Mark, to products which meet internationally recognised standards of fair trade. The founding organisations were later joined by Britain’s largest women’s organisation, the Women’s Institute. Click here to visit www.fairtrade.org.uk for more information.
National Justice & Peace Network (NJPN)
The National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN), whose aims and efforts are accepted by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, exists to encourage work for Justice and Peace by promoting liaison and communication among diocesan groups. A network of diocesan members, fieldworkers and agency representatives is maintained through regular communications, quarterly gatherings and the organisation of a national annual conference.The Network was started in 1978 and has held annual conferences since that date. Its members are representatives from diocesan Justice and Peace Commissions or groups. Also affiliated to the network are agencies and organisations working in the field of Justice and Peace, religious and missionary orders with a special calling for justice and peace work and representatives of the committees of Bishops’ Conference whose work covers the issues which pertain to those of the Network. Although both the roots and ethos of the network are strongly Catholic, many of the hundreds of small J&P groups around the country now function ecumenically and some are now seeking to operate pan-faith. Click here to visit www.justice-and-peace.org.uk for more information.
Helping Uganda Schools
This charity was set up by a group of parishioners after a visit to our parish by Fr. John Kyazze from Uganda. For further details contact Denise Ead via the parish office or go to www.helpingugandaschools.org for more information.

Christian Aid Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. They provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes.  UK churches are invited to assist its fundraising through an annual Christian Aid Week, held usually in May, for which volunteer collectors are always needed. Click here to visit www.christianaid.org.uk for more information.


  • Mass Sat 18:30MB Sun 09:30NM 12:00MB
  • Tea & coffee in hall after Sun 09:30NM
  • Mass Wed 23rd 10:00 (MB)
  • Mass Thu 24th 10:00 (MB)
  • Confessions before mass or on demand
  • Remember the food bank boxes at church
  • 9th Nov Xmas Fair NM click here for flyer
  • full details of all events in bulletin
  • CLICK HERE 24/7 on line mass
  • CLICK HERE for a letter from the PPC.
  • CLICK HERE for Fr Emmanuel’s latest letter.