Father Emmanuel Writes

  • Parish Census forms are available at the back of church or by clicking HERE. It would be good if all parishioners fill in one of these forms and return it to the church or presbytery, so that we have an up-to-date record, compliant with data protection regulations.. Please do pass one on to anybody who you think might want to fill one in. Many thanks.
  • If anybody has any gift for Fr. Emmanuel, please, you may put it in the collection bags.

If you want a copy of an older item please contact: [email protected]



  • Mass Sat 18:30MB Sun 09:30NM 12:00MB
  • Tea & coffee in hall after Sun 09:30NM
  • Mass Wed 23rd 10:00 (MB)
  • Mass Thu 24th 10:00 (MB)
  • Confessions before mass or on demand
  • Remember the food bank boxes at church
  • 9th Nov Xmas Fair NM click here for flyer
  • full details of all events in bulletin
  • CLICK HERE 24/7 on line mass
  • CLICK HERE for a letter from the PPC.
  • CLICK HERE for Fr Emmanuel’s latest letter.