On this page we will put updates about what to do during the present outbreak of coronavirus and links to resources which may help parishoners during this difficult time.

If you find something wrong (especially broken links, unclear text or spelling errors) or want to make any comment please contact [email protected]

CLICK HERE for information about support during this pandemic


Guidance for attending Mass at New Mills:

The church will be open 30 minutes before and after mass for quiet prayer.
Because of limited capacity and Government regulations, anyone wishing to attend Mass will have to pre-book their place. If people arrive without having pre-booked their place and the church is, or likely to be at capacity, unfortunately they will not be allowed in.
To book a place please ring 07561 699278, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday,
at least one day in advance of the service you wish to attend and one of our Parishioners will help.

Please be ready to give your name, contact details, and how many places needed -this is the only way places may be pre-booked.

Services may only be booked 7 days in advance, and one service at a time. If the service you wish to attend is full (as is likely on Sundays), we will operate a priority list for following weeks.
Please arrive at the service early, to allow time for the Stewards to show you to your allocated space. Social Distancing continues to operate in the Church, always keeping a distance of 2 Metres.

Times of Holy Mass at New Mills:
Sunday 26th July 9.30 a.m. People of the Parish
Wednesday 29th July 4.30 p.m. John & Bridget Kirrane RIP
Friday 31st July 11.30 a.m. John Hindmarch RIP
Sunday 2nd August 9.30 a.m. People of the Parish

  • Responding to pastoral emergencies Special Emergency Number: 01457 620272

To ring the duty priest, at any hour of day or night, please phone the special emergency number: 01457 620272. You will hear some information, then you can press a button on your phone to be connected automatically to whichever priest is the priest on call. Click here for more details

Please pray for all our priests in this difficult time.

To assist anytime at mass on line Click here  to bring up a page listing all masses in English being streamed now anywhere in the worl. The list may take a little time to load! Not all links will work for all computers so keep trying till you find a mass that works for you!


  • Mass Sat 18:30MB Sun 09:30NM 12:00MB
  • Tea & coffee in hall after Sun 09:30NM
  • Mass Wed 23rd 10:00 (MB)
  • Mass Thu 24th 10:00 (MB)
  • Confessions before mass or on demand
  • Remember the food bank boxes at church
  • 9th Nov Xmas Fair NM click here for flyer
  • full details of all events in bulletin
  • CLICK HERE 24/7 on line mass
  • CLICK HERE for a letter from the PPC.
  • CLICK HERE for Fr Emmanuel’s latest letter.